"I give to St. Paul's Newman Church of Fargo, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 2505 University Drive N, Suite 100, Fargo, ND 58102, or its successor thereto, ______________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."
St. Paul’s Newman Center at NDSU received a Christmas blessing. NDSU and Newman Center alumnus, Robert Franzen, has come forward to donate a $3 million cash gift to the new building project.
“I just feel so good about this donation. It is an investment in the future of the Catholic faith. There is no better place I could put my money; I honestly believe this is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life,” Robert said to Rev. James Cheney, Pastor of St. Paul’s, and Bryan Wilburn, Director of Development.
This gift brings the total raised for the Newman Center project to $31.5 million. The total goal for the project is $33 million.
“We were already blown away by Robert’s generosity when he gave $1 million earlier this year. His total cash commitment of $4 million is a tremendous blessing to this project and I can’t say thank you enough,” said Father James Cheney.
Nearly 2,500 individuals have contributed to this project since it began. In October of 2016, when the building project was announced publicly. Construction began in the summer of 2019 and is scheduled for full completion in January 2023.
“I hope Robert’s generosity is an inspiration for others to join us. His joy for giving is truly contagious. From the first day I met him, Robert said he would do all he could for this project, and he meant it. His gift brings us within $1.5 million of finishing this race,” Wilburn said.
This gift represents the largest single donation the Newman Center has ever received.
“I am just so happy I can be a part of this project. It’s for the students, and I know my priorities are in the right place,” said Franzen.
As the Newman Center comes closer to finishing the capital campaign, more and more first-time donors are joining this effort. Many of them are alumni, parents, or friends of alumni/students who didn't want to miss out on this opportunity and have the project be completed without being a part of it. If this is you or someone you know, please let us know by calling the Newman Center or contacting us at www.bisoncatholic.org.
The Newman Center would like to thank all who have made tremendous sacrifices to make this project possible.