"I give to St. Paul's Newman Church of Fargo, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 2505 University Drive N, Suite 100, Fargo, ND 58102, or its successor thereto, ______________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."
St. Paul’s Newman Center at NDSU gratefully announces that a donation of $900,000 was received this week for their new building project. This timely gift brings a jolt of momentum toward the additional $10 million goal St. Paul’s has been pursuing since last fall.
One year ago, St. Paul’s Newman Center reached their original campaign goal of $21.5 million. However, foreseen and unforeseen factors compelled the Newman Center to launch a second campaign push for an additional $10 million.
Like most projects, St. Paul’s faced an increase in construction costs since they set a campaign goal in 2015. Additionally, the design of the facility became more developed and refined over the same time frame. While discerning the best path forward, top campaign leadership and supporters encouraged the Newman Center not to cut the vision or sacrifice the quality of the facility.
In light of this, it was determined an additional $10 million would be needed to Finish the Race, which is also the title of this second campaign push. As of receiving this latest gift, $26,400,000 has been raised toward the total needed funds of $31.5 million.
“I am grateful to God for this incredible couple who made such a tremendous gift. We are now $5 million from finishing the race. This project is a shining light of hope in our culture today. It will have an impact on countless young adults for the benefit of our communities and society for years to come,” says Father James Cheney, pastor of St. Paul’s.
The Newman Center wishes to thank everyone who has partnered with them to make this project a reality.